Welcome to Pigeon Control & Removal online. Unlike many pigeon removal companies and pigeon removal services, our goal is to actually get rid of the pigeons. We truly want to provide the best pigeon removal in Phoenix AZ and fully intend for you to tell your friends and family about our awesome professional pigeon control service.
If you are looking for effective pigeon control near me and you're in the Metro Phoenix area, we've got you covered. We're a Phoenix pigeon control company that utilizes a team of experienced pigeon pros that are at the top of their trade. Each pigeon control technician has received top notch training and has gleaned a ton of pigeon pest control experience. These credentials help us provide a safe a dependable bird control service that you will absolutely want to tell others about.
Below you'll find pigeon control questions and answers that will help you understand a pigeon problem better and how difficult birds can be to get rid of. We add to these whenever a bird control customer (or potential customer) sends in a new question. So check back from time to time and let us know if you have a question about the control of pigeons or birds that you want answered.
Thanks for stopping by. Our hope is for a pigeon-free home or business for YOU!
The best pigeon deterrent for any given situation will depend on a lot of factors, including where they are roosting and/or nesting, how many of them there are, how long they have been there and much more. Quality pigeon control isn't a one size fits all sort of thing, unfortunately.
What's the best way to get rid of pigeons? In most cases, there's not really a 'permanent' pigeon control solution. Pigeon control products will only last so long, so occasional maintenance is recommended to prevent a future bird problem.
One thing is sure: if you have pigeons on your roof, eventually they will absolutely cause problems you don't want. Such as roof leaks, staining, damage to solar panels, potential breathing problems, and much more.
Don't be stubborn. Do your due diligence and get rid of pigeons as soon as possible. If you need help - get it. We offer free inspections/quotes and all of our work is guaranteed. You really have nothing to lose - except for the pigeons & there feces, that is.
Again, every situation is different, so the proper way to get rid of pigeons will be different from location to location, as well.
Check out the other Pigeon Control FAQ's on this page as a part of your overall pigeon control research to up your odds of success.
Often, the best thing that a home owner can do is to harass the pigeons as soon as they arrive. If you can get to them very early on, you may have a chance of getting them to move on without needing help. Once they have settled in, you'll likely need professional bird control help. Spraying them with a water hose very often may work. Throwing things at them may, too. Anything to keep them from getting comfortable.
How much does it cost to remove pigeons?
The cost for professional pigeon control & removal services can vary by a lot. In general terms, the longer the pigeons are living, nesting and/or roosting on your home or business, the harder it is to get rid of them. Which in turn will usually mean a higher cost. Most pigeon control companies will do a free inspection and provide a quote that spells out the work needed and the warranty.
As with most critters, pigeons don't like predators. Especially birds of prey. There are also some strong odors that pigeons do not like such as pepper spray and cinnamon. Pigeons also do not like freezing temperatures, though they weather them as well as most animals.
The pigeons that you see in your neighborhood and on your roof are feral, meaning they are descendants of domesticated birds. For centuries humans have utilized and trained pigeons homing pigeons. This training taught them to place an extremely high value on their home. As a result, pigeons become more and more committed to home the longer they are there.
Vinegar may be effective as a pigeon deterrent - if it's used before the pigeons become established. The trick will be in keeping a fresh application of vinegar on any surface pigeons want to roost or nest on. The application would likely need to be made almost daily to be effective, depending on where you are located and what the local weather is like.
Yes! It's not really the pigeons, though - it's their feces. Pigeon feces accumulates extremely fast and can clog up drains, gutters, chimneys and more. And the feces is very acidic. It will damage almost any surface if left un disturbed for a period of time.
One of the most popular Google search terms folks use when searching for a Phoenix Pigeon Control Company is 'Pigeon Control Near Me'. We offer pigeon control throughout the Metro Phoenix AZ area - both residential and commercial.
Getting rid of pigeons is not a cookie cutter thing. Each pigeon infestation requires a unique pigeon control plan. Many so called "pigeon removal companies" don't get that - and the results prove that out. Unfortunately, those so called pigeon control experts give all of us a bad name.
The bottom line is that you want to deal only with pigeon removal companies who have a tremendous amount of training and experience. Otherwise you may still have the same pigeon problem after spending your hard-earned money as you had before. Moving the pigeons from one place on your roof to another is not a good bird control solution.
Their are MANY different types of pigeon control products and services and often a combination of 2 or more of those provide the best solution.
But, there are more wives tales than solutions. For instance, vinegar. The use of vinegar as a pigeon deterrent will rarely work and most of the 'solutions' friends and/or family tell you about are the same.
You'll find some helpful and maybe interesting links HERE.
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